What is Acne:
Acne is a common dermatological problem. Up to 80 percent of people between age of 11 to 30 years old experience it either in a Sever or mild type. It also affect 5 % of older population too.Nearly all individuals between 15 and 17 years old are affected.15 to 20 percentage of this age group experiences moderate to sever acne . These Patients consequently developed acne scars if they are not treated or treatment fails( 14% of women and 11% of men). Acne often leads to reduction of social contacts. What is more, it leads to psychological morbidity. Treating acne and acne scars to eliminate such co morbidity and return the individual back to social life is essential.
How to treat Acne and Acne scar:
There are many methods of treating acne and acne scar. The first stage of treating acne scars is to classify the type of scar. Once the scar is defined, the appropriate therapy can be implemented for maximum result Achievment. There are various methods of treating acne scars . The list of treatment currently available includes
1. laser resurfacing,
2. punch biopsy,
3. Fillers
4. punch elevation
5. chemical peel(pyrovic acid TCA),
6. Microdermabrasion
7. fat transfer
8. implantation of autologous collagen and cultured and expanded autologous fibroblast
9. skin needling.